
The Temple

Solomon began to build the “house


the L

ord” in 1 Kings 6. This temple would be the place where the Lord would dwell among his people. Paul, in the NT, refers to our bodies as the temples where the Holy Spirit now dwells.

This is a

n illustration of Solomon’s temple f

rom the ESV Study Bible.

Here is the thing. When you read the account of Solomon building the temple in 1 Kings 6, Solomon uses the best of the best materials to build with. This temple is beautiful and strong. Since our bodies are now the temples of the Holy Spirit, shouldn’t we make his dwelling the best that it can be?

In 1 Corinthians 10:31, Paul writes, “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. I cannot help but think that this means we should also take care and glorify God with what we eat.

When you say grace over a meal, you are technically inviting Jesus to come and dine with you and bless the food received on the table. I am not sure that God is glorified with pre-processed foods like Cheetos and Oreos. I am not sure that God is glorified when I drink more soda than water.

I believe that glorifying God in what I eat is important. If I do not care what I eat and put into my body than I might as well back a dump truck full of crap and drop it into the sanctuary of the church. It’s the same principle right?

This is by no means the end-all discussion. This is just the beginning. I have a lot more research and studying to do and I will have new posts related to this off and on as I learn more.

What do you think? Does the food you eat have anything to do with 1 Corinthians 10:31? Do you plan on glorifying God with what you eat?

Hit up the comments.

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