Genesis 4 – Am I my brother’s keeper? Short answer yes.
Matthew 22:37-40
Spiritually dead – unbelief /gospel shared – born again. A spiritual infant is characterized by ignorance. A spiritual child is characterized by self centeredness. A spiritual young adult is characterized by service. They want to serve. They are more God centered and focused on helping others. A spiritual parent is intentional/reproducible/they have a strategy to teach and mentor ones they are in the process of making disciples.
*This chart is from Real Life Discipleship. You can read the book review here.
Matthew 28:19-20 – Make disciples. Your purpose is to make disciples not friends. Your purpose is to glorify God. If you are a true follower of Christ, you will gain friends and lose friends. You will make friends in the church as part of the body of Christ. You should also have friends that are unbelievers and you should love them enough to share Christ with them.
You should first be the friend that you want others to be to you. Proverbs says that a friend is closer than a brother. A true friend is someone that you can trust, confide in, and know they will do their best to keep their promises.
You don’t need loser friends. What is a loser friend?
- The relationship with you has to benefit them.
- They lie to you.
- They can only be around you when it is convenient for them.
- You can’t trust them – there is broken promises, they will not keep your secrets, there is no confidentiality.
- They repeatedly hurt you and apologize. It seems like a never-ending cycle.
- They would rather see you fail instead of celebrating your successes. You intimidate them. They are jealous of you.
- They betray you.